removing leaves on shingles of roof of a house

Your roof is an easily missable place, widely forgotten, carrying years of leaves in its gutters through all the seasons. Because of this, consequences from not removing leaves may arise, and sometimes we don’t know about the issue until it becomes costly.

To cover all your bases, we’ve compiled a list of not only what these consequences are, but how you can combat them.

Water Damage

Leaves that have been left on your roof for an extended period of time can cause water damage. This is because when it rains, the water within the leaves can eventually seep through any cracks or crevices in your roof, potentially damaging the inside of your home and leaving you with a hefty repair bill.

If you live in an area with a lot of trees, it’s especially important to check your roof frequently. Removing leaves that have accumulated will make it so you’re not left dealing with the headache of water damage down the road.

Broken Gutters

Leaving your roof untouched and not removing leaves can put you at risk of your gutters breaking. This is because the leaves add extra weight to the gutters, which over time will cause them to sag or even fall off completely if they’re not properly secured.

If you notice your gutters sagging or deteriorating, it’s important to call a professional so they can properly secure them and prevent any further damage. Doing it yourself would be a messy and dangerous job, so it’s always best to leave it to the professionals once it gets to this point.

Water Seeping Underneath Shingles

Leaves that have been left on your roof for an extended period of time can also cause water to seep underneath your shingles. Shingles are designed to protect your roof from water damage, but if there’s already water present underneath them from not removing leaves, they won’t be able to do their job properly.

This is because the leaves act as a barrier, preventing the water from draining off of your roof properly.

If you notice any water spots on your ceiling or walls, it’s important to call a professional so they can assess the situation and determine if the leaves are the cause. If they are, they’ll be able to remove them and prevent any further damage.

Mold and Algae Growth

Leaves that have been left on your roof for an extended period of time can also cause mold and algae to grow. This is because the leaves provide a dark and moist environment that mold and algae need in order to thrive.

In some cases, professionals may be able to clean it off and remove the leaves without causing any damage. However, in other cases, they may need to replace your shingles or even your roof entirely.

Leave Your Roof in Pristine Shape with Fillo Painting

At Fillo Painting, we understand the importance of keeping your roof in pristine shape. That’s why we offer a wide range of roofing services, including gutter repair and replacement, shingle repair and replacement, and more.

If you’re in need of roof or gutter repair, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help you get your home back to normal again and your leaves removed!