Everyone knows a porch is so much more than just a slab of concrete with a covering. It’s the place you watch your kids learn to ride their bicycles. It’s the place where you can greet your neighbors with a smile and never have to leave the comfort of your home, whether it’s a traditional or modern front porch.

Whether you’re sipping your morning coffee on your front porch, or it’s the place you knit—it’s a crucial part of life for anyone. It’s time for you to build your dream front porch, or remodel your current one.

Sticking With Traditional

First, you have to decide what style of porch you want. Traditional-style front porches are generally the most popular choice and often the easiest to build. It’s likely what you have in mind when thinking of a front porch—a long covered area spanning across your façade with simple columns or railings that give it an iconic look.

Traditional porches come complete with wooden floors and steps, as well as ceilings made from wood, metal, or vinyl. You also have the option of adding columns in between each section for added support and stability.

There are countless variations to choose from with traditional porches, as you can play around with different colors, materials, designs, and additional details such as built-in seating or decorative railings to make it truly unique. While a traditional porch is common, a new up-and-coming style is the modern front porch.

Considering Sleek and Modern

A modern front porch is distinctly different from traditional styles and offers a sleek and contemporary look for your home. These can be built with anything from steel, to concrete, to glass panels. They are often constructed with fewer columns than traditional porches, as well as unique materials that give them a distinct architectural feel.

Modern front porches are eye-catching. They say, “Look at me.” If that sounds like your cup of tea, you know what porch is for you!

Does Aesthetic Matter?

Based on the current aesthetic of your home, you may want to match your front porch style to the rest of your house. You can also choose something different—just make sure it complements or enhances other elements of your home’s exterior design.

At the end of the day, whatever porch you decide to go with—traditional or modern—it should reflect your taste and fit in with the overall look and feel of your home.

Making a Decision

If deciding on a specific porch seems overwhelming to you, you can count yourself among the majority.

Making a list of pros and cons for each type of porch is a great way to make a difficult decision. You can’t go wrong when you choose to create a beautiful extension of your home.

Make Your Dream A Reality

Creating the porch of your dreams is a lot to handle on your own. One of the best ways to make sure that it’s picture-perfect is by hiring a professional. With the help of specialized construction, you can ensure that your porch is in good hands. Whether you’re remodeling or creating a porch for the first time, hiring a professional will help you get the look you’ve been wanting.

Yanover Construction: Atlanta’s Porch Experts 

If you’ve been dreaming of a place to knit while watching your kids ride bikes, Yanover Construction has the professionals you need to get your porch done quickly and efficiently. With top-of-the-line materials and experience, your porch will be in good hands. Get a quote from us today.