Whether you’re selling your home, or you just want a fresh look, paint is the easiest way to customize your home. In the last few years, neutral greys and pastels have been very popular, but new shades like navy, fuchsia, and brown are making a surprising comeback. If you’re ready to make a bold statement with Turquoise or Ultra Violet, here are a few tips from the experts at Fillo Painting to help you prepare your walls for fresh paint.

Clean the Walls

Wall washing is not a chore that most people have on their spring cleaning checklist, but it’s actually a thing. Just because your wall is a horizontal surface doesn’t mean it can’t collect dirt, dust, and grime. When you lean against or touch a wall, you leave behind oils from your skin which will cause paint not to adhere to the surface. First, dust your walls with a static-cling duster or a vacuum with a brush and hose attachment. Next, wipe the walls with a damp sponge, using the abrasive side to scrub out tough stains, scuffs, or crayon. Distilled water is preferred because it draws oils and grime away from the surface. For tough stains like crayon or marker, try a magic eraser dipped in distilled water.

Patch Any Holes

Assuming that you’ve already removed your pictures frames and artwork from the walls, it’s time to consider patching the holes they’ve left behind. If you plan on using the same holes, you can skip this step. If you’re trying to sell your home, however, smooth walls in a neutral color are more appealing to potential buyers. Apply a fast-drying spackle to the hole and let it dry for at least 24 hours. Use fine-grit sandpaper to remove excess spackle and to level the surface of the wall. For large holes, cut a piece of drywall to fit inside the hole and apply drywall tape to hold it in place while you apply a generous amount of spackle across the area. Larger patch jobs may require several applications of spackle and sandpaper to even out the surface.


Whether your painting over an old color or new drywall, priming is an essential step that prepares the surface for color adhesion. Some paint manufacturers have dual purpose paint and primer formulations that provide full coverage and color in one coat. However, for new drywall and heavily-stained walls, a stand-alone primer is best. If you’re transitioning from a dark color to white or a beige, the primer will mask the color underneath and prevent bleed-through.