As a homeowner renting out your property, one of your biggest concerns may be dealing with damage from tenants. Whether you decide to allow pets or not, renting can be a headache and cost you a lot of “clean-up” money. If you want to avoid cleaning walls after each tenant, your choice of interior paint can do a lot to aid you in this arena. Here are a few things to consider when it comes to choosing the right paint for rental property:

Keeping White Paint Clean

White is the most standard color for painting a home. It makes it light, and airy, but evidently, a little colorless. White can look modern, but it lacks a homey appeal. Aside from being less-than-homey, white can also become dirty like no other color.

A scuff that would not even show up on a beige wall can look like an eye sore on a white wall. White walls will need to be touched up often, leading to a little more work on your end or the need to hire a professional interior painter.

Paint Colors To Consider

Wild colors may not be as appealing to potential renters, which is why they may not be your forte. Instead, let’s start with some basics that you should consider:

Pastel Colors

Pastels are a great choice for rental spaces due to their softer, muted tones. Plus, they look clean and work as good backgrounds for furniture or decorations that renters may bring in. Consider colors like sage green, coffee brown, lavender, or baby blue. These colors are great for bedrooms and bathrooms alike.

Earth Tones

Earth tones are named after the lush colors we see outside on nature hikes. They can provide a sense of warmth to your rental property, without being too “out there”. You may want to consider colors such as dusty rose, sandy beige, muted grey, or forest green.

How to Keep Your Interior Paint Clean

Living in a home naturally comes with some wear and tear. However, there are some things you can do to keep your interior paint looking as vibrant as ever. One of them is to regularly dust and vacuum, as this results in clean walls.

You should also consider using mild cleaning products when it comes to washing your walls. This way you won’t have any harsh chemicals that can damage paint or wallpaper. Since you are renting out your property, it’s fair to put those rules in an agreement to make sure your home is well taken care of as the years come and go.

Before you scroll on, you need to consider the kind of paint you use. Although it may seem obvious, painting with high-quality paints will change everything in terms of how long it will last.

Why Enlist a Professional Interior Painter?

If painting your rental property feels like a hassle, it may be a good idea to look to a professional interior painter. Here’s why:

  • Expertise: They not only do the job for you, but they have years of experience to get it done right.
  • Higher-Quality: Professional interior painters have access to higher-quality paints which can make a huge difference in the long run.
  • Cost-Savings: Doing it yourself may not be as cost-effective as you think when it comes to buying high-quality tools and paint with the possibility of having to re-do it still lingering.

Fillo Painting: Your Secret To Success

At Fillo Painting, we want you to be successful and see returns on your rental investment property. We know that having the right paint job can make all the difference. We use high-quality paints and help you choose colors that suit your style and budget. We can help your rental property look brand new for years to come.

Don’t hesitate to take your rental property to the next level. Hire a professional interior painter at Fillo Painting today! Contact us to get started.