If you want to avoid having your Roswell house painting contractors paint over your walls multiple times with different colors before you finally settle on the right color, these tips will help.

Acquaint Yourself with the Color Wheel

If you can’t remember what a complementary color is, then it’s time to look up the color wheel. Notice where warm colors end and where cool colors start. Notice which colors are opposite, or complementary, to each other on the wheel. You can use this knowledge to determine the mood and energy you want to create in any room.

Generally, warm colors will energize a room and cool colors will soothe. Complementary colors, like blue and orange, will intensify each other’s color and brighten a room. Think about how your color choice will serve the purpose of each room.

Understand Hue Saturation

If you’ve ever stood in the paint section of a home improvement store and stared at the hundreds of color sample cards, you know that choosing interior house paint colors can be daunting. The color wheel is a good starting place because that is where you get your hue. Hue is the actual color, such as red or blue. Color saturation is how dominant that hue is. Think of a T-shirt stain. If the shirt is saturated with a red spill, it will be pure red and very intense. If you dilute the red with water, removing the stain, it becomes pink.

You might prefer highly saturated colors for energetic rooms, such as a kids’ play room or bedroom. Keep in mind that less-saturated colors, like pink, are still brilliant colors that invite high energy. If you want a softer color, you need to soften the brilliance, or intensity.

Play around with Color Brilliance and Intensity

Most interior paint colors have varied intensity. If you add another color to blue, it becomes less intense, or less blue. Adding a color close to it on the color wheel, like yellow, turns it green. If you add its opposite color on the wheel, orange, the blue will become more neutral, towards brown. The brown you get from combining red and green is different than the brown you get from combining orange and blue. You create many different shades of brown by varying how much of the warm hue you add or how much of the cool hue.

Understanding hue intensity will help you choose a color that complements a room. For example, a beige wall color with a slightly orange tint will beautifully complement a room with predominantly blue décor. Also, every color you create by changing its intensity can also change in saturation from, say, a rich brown to light beige.

Change the Color Value

All of these hues can also change in value from light to dark. Paint cards in the store generally show the color gradient from the darkest value of the color to the lightest. Dark hues create a different mood in a room than light hues, such as a warm and cozy atmosphere versus a breezy and airy feel.  It just depends on the mood you prefer for any particular room. Have your painters use interior house paint in Roswell on an accent wall with the color first to see how the color looks with the existing natural and artificial light of the room.