The power of an exterior paint job can take your humble abode from house to home. But with a multitude of colors on the market and the all-too-popular neutral colors becoming dull to the eyes, coming to a decision may be a taxing endeavor. Enter the autumn hues that come with the season. 

What’s Hot This Fall

As the seasons change and autumn rolls around, it’s time to update our homes with some fresh new colors. And what better way to do that than with a fresh coat of paint? Exterior painting residential projects can be a daunting task, but with the right colors and tips, you can easily transform your home into a cozy fall oasis. So let’s take a look at some of the hottest exterior painting residential colors to try this season:

1. Burnt Orange

One of the most popular fall colors, burnt orange, is a warm and inviting color that adds a pop of vibrancy to your home’s exterior. It pairs well with neutral colors like beige or cream and can also work as an accent color against darker shades.

2. Sage Green

Sage green is a subtle yet stunning choice that brings a touch of nature to your home’s exterior. This color works well with homes surrounded by greenery or in rural areas. Pair it with creamy whites and browns for a warm and rustic feel.

3. Pale Yellow

For those who want to add a touch of sunshine to their home, pale yellow is the perfect choice. This light and airy color creates a welcoming and cheerful atmosphere, making your home stand out in the neighborhood and might even boost your curb appeal.

4. Light Pink

Pink may not be the most traditional fall color, but light pink can add a unique and unexpected touch to your home’s exterior. Pair it with dark trim for a bold contrast or with white accents for a softer look.

5. Stone Grey

For a more neutral option, stone grey is an excellent choice for fall. It adds depth and dimension to any exterior painting job and pairs well with other warm and earthy colors.

6. Blue Trim

Blue is a versatile color that can work in any season, but it’s especially popular during the fall. Adding blue trim to your home’s exterior can create a classic and elegant look, especially when paired with white or cream siding.

7. Clay Red

Clay red is most common in traditional or colonial-style homes, but it can also work well in modern homes. This warm and inviting color is perfect for fall and adds a touch of sophistication to any home.

8. Black

Black may seem like a bold choice, but when used correctly, it can make a statement on your home’s exterior. Pair it with neutral colors like beige or white for a classic look, or pair it with one of these other colors like sage green or burnt orange for the rising vintage classic interior style. 

9. Hunter Green

Another timeless choice for fall, hunter green brings a sense of nature and tranquility to your home. It pairs well with other earthy tones like beige or brown and can also work as the main color for a bold and unique look.

10. Navy

Last but not least, navy is a classic fall color that never goes out of style. This dark and moody color can add depth and sophistication to any home’s exterior, especially when paired with white or light grey accents.

7 Steps for Exterior Painting Residential Homes

Now that you have some inspiration for your fall exterior painting residential project, it’s time to get started. Here are seven steps to follow when painting your residential home’s exterior:

  • Prep the Surface: Make sure to clean and scrape any loose or peeling paint, sand rough areas, and prime any bare wood.
  • Protect Your Surroundings: Cover plants, windows, and other outdoor features with drop cloths or plastic sheeting.
  • Choose High-Quality Paint: Invest in good quality exterior paint that can withstand the elements and provide long-lasting results.
  • Use the Right Tools: Make sure you have all the necessary tools, such as brushes, rollers, and ladders, to make your exterior painting residential job easier.
  • Start Painting: Begin with a coat of primer if needed, then paint from top to bottom using smooth and even strokes.
  • Allow Time for Drying: Make sure to give your paint enough time to dry before applying a second coat or touching the surface.
  • Clean Up and Maintain: Once the painting is complete, clean up any mess and keep an eye out for any needed touch-ups or maintenance in the future.

Fillo Painting: Where Vibrant Hues Comes to Life

When it comes to exterior painting on residential homes, choosing the right company is key. Fillo Painting offers top-quality painting services for all your exterior needs. Our team of professionals will ensure a smooth and efficient process, leaving your home looking fresh and beautiful this fall. So why wait? Contact us today to schedule your next exterior painting project!