As you drive up to your home, are you starting to notice that the siding looks a little shoddy? It’s easy to ignore the problem until it becomes significant, especially since siding replacement can be expensive.


However, there comes a time when you need to make the move. When should you replace the siding on your house? Here are the signs to look for.

Cracked or Warped Siding

When you notice the house doesn’t look as crisp as it used to, that’s a sign that the siding needs help. Cracks and damage mean that moisture and pests can get through the siding into your home.


If you touch the material and it gives way, or see cracks during a visual inspection, it’s probably time to call in a professional for a replacement.

Fungus or Mold on Siding

If you see mold or other material growing on your siding, that’s a sign of big trouble. Unfortunately, this means that moisture is invading the area. Most likely, your siding has cracks or is letting in water through the seams.


It’s possible that the moisture isn’t getting in very far, but you should definitely investigate further. It’s highly likely that you need — or will soon need — new siding for your home.

The Siding is Faded or is Painted Frequently

When your home is no longer the color it once was, your siding isn’t just faded. It’s probably also losing its weatherproofing properties as well.


Painting your home is a big job, and it should last at least eight years. If you have to redo it every three to five years, the siding may need to be replaced. When your home gets its new look, you might consider vinyl siding that doesn’t need painting or maintenance.


If the color of your siding just isn’t holding, it’s time to call a professional.

Your Energy Bills Are Going Up

Bills tend to go up over time, but if you have an unexplained spike in electricity or gas bills, consider looking at your home’s siding.


If you don’t have drafty windows, leaks from the attic, or inadequate insulation, the problem is likely with the bad siding. Your siding is part of your insulation, and if it fails, you’ll have a lot more air coming and going from the outside.


Faulty siding means that your heating and cooling systems have to work harder to maintain a proper temperature. New siding can help you save money and stay more comfortable.

Know When to Replace Siding

As a homeowner, you don’t want to spend money when it isn’t needed. However, sometimes you have to take action in order to prevent more significant problems.


If you notice any of the signs above, from warping to cracks to discoloration, it’s probably best to replace your siding to keep your home secure and comfortable.


If it’s time for siding replacement, let us help. At Fillo Painting, we are proud to offer both internal and external services for your home. From paint to siding, we have the expertise you need. Contact us today for an appointment!