Brick has such a beautiful look on its own that people forget all the wonderful ways you can decorate it. From flowers and ivy to artwork and other decorations, there are as many ways to adorn a brick exterior as there are ways to dress up any room in your house. In particular, painting the details of your brick exterior can make a dramatic difference. Here are a few ways you might benefit from hiring a painter in Kennesaw.

The Field Color

The field color is the main color of the house you can see being applied to the stucco or central siding. Think of this color as the one that is the most attractive over time, and one that you can see the other colors playing off of in the most effective manner possible. There are other places where you can be daring. With the field color it’s worth taking into consideration the architecture of the house as well as its surroundings. How does it blend in with the rest of the neighborhood? How does the field color work with the roof and the trees nearby? These are all things worth taking into account before settling on the field color.

The Secondary Color

In this context, the secondary color is the color of the brick. Sometimes it can also be trim colors such as gutters or railings. Since the color of the brick stands out more than the trim, it’s worth considering painting the trim to match the bricks. While not as neutral as the field color, the secondary color is still more neutral than the accents. Generally, however, you’ll still want a lot of contrast between the secondary and field colors.

The Accent Color

This is where you can have some fun. Ideally, the accent color should be something that stands out in isolation, even though it may not work for the entire house. If you want to make a bold statement, paint the doors in bright contrasting hues. Alternately, if the brick is a relatively light shade, perhaps painting shutters a dark charcoal gray adds some drama to the side of the house. Either way, the accent color is where you can take some chances and show your personality. If for some reason, the color doesn’t work, it’s easier to change the accent than the field or secondary colors since it covers so little space.


Make sure the landscaping that surrounds the house blends smoothly with your paint choices. If you’re happy with your colors, add plants or flowers to your exterior to match the new style you’ve chosen.

When painting the exterior of your house, it’s not only the colors you choose that matter. You’ll want to hire professionals at exterior house painting in Kennesaw so that the job is done right.